Tips for Navigating Dietetic Internship Open Houses & Interviews
Nutrition Informatics at the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
Nutrition Informatics 101 Infographic
EHR-System Electronic Nutrition Care Process Record System (ENCPRS)
Nutrition Informatics Position Paper
A position paper is a critical analysis of current facts, data and research literature. A key feature of the paper is the position statement, which presents the stance of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics on an issue. The Academy and its members, other professional associations, government agencies and industry use position papers to shape food choices and impact the public's nutritional status. Position papers are available to Academy members, health professionals and the public on the Academy's website at no charge and are published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
It is the position of the Academy that nutrition informatics is a rapidly evolving area of practice for registered dietitian nutritionists and nutrition and dietetic technicians, registered, and that the knowledge and skills inherent to nutrition informatics permeate all areas of the dietetics profession. View the position paper.